Sunday, October 13, 2013

Mayla's preschool show-off day

Mayla has loved her preschool. She has enjoyed her two years at the sports academy. Part of the reason is she loves all the fun activities that they get to do. Every week they rotate from Swimming, tennis, movement, and tumbling. At the end of the year we get to go and watch her to see all that she has learned.
By far she has made the most improvement in her swimming. I am amazed at how brave she is now.
 Ava, Mayla, Bella

Next was Tumbling. She always loved going here, until swimming became her favorite!
Bella, Mayla, Mallorie, McCade

During Movement they played music and let the kids dance and run around. They were pretty entertaining.

 This is Mayla's attempt to limbo, ohh it makes me smile!!
 They had to put feet apart, knees together, thumbs up, eyes close, tongue out and turn in a circle. Very silly.
Tennis was a little more challenging of an activity. It was mostly little games with the balls and stop and go activities.

She will truly miss these activities when she heads off the kindergarten.

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