Sunday, November 10, 2013

Portneuf Rendezvous

May 30 - June 1, 13
We headed up to Portneuf Rendezvous in McCammin Idaho. It was a fun filled weekend with family, shooting, and Jax Birthday.
Mark, Chase, Todd and Shane headed to the pistol trail walk.
 Jax and I headed down so we could see how they were doing. It was such a beautiful day and they were having a blast.

 Jax can't wait until he can shoot with the boys. 
 My Dad, his friend Boyd, Uncle Mark and his son Chase, and Todd. 
 Alan and Todd waiting for the results of the shooting scores.

 Todd did really well this year. I sure wish that I would have made a list of what he won because I don't remember. He won a few firsts and seconds and He won the Tomahawk trail walk. All in all we left with a handful of prizes.

 Mayla was so excited to give Jax his birthday presents. She picked it out all by herself and even paid for it with her own money. She is one special sister.
 He is one happy little Man
 Papa couldn't wait either to give Jax his presents. He couldn't have been any happier with the Monster Trucks. They were a hit and entertained him very well.
 Papa couldn't resist giving him a small tomahawk as well. Ohh look at that face of excitement, lets just say he didn't play with that for too long. One day he will though.

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