Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Christamas Day

To start off this day I need to go back a few days prior. Mayla started to complain that it hurt when she went potty. I figured that it was a UTI and we started her on 100% cranberry juice and really tried to make sure everything was taken care of correctly after she went potty.
Well that was only the beginning. Christmas eve she woke up in the middle of the night and was burning hot and had a little accident. Her pee stunk so bad that we decided to call the doctor on-call. We got her some medicine and back to bed. The Dr. called us back and said to just let her sleep and keep a watch on her and keep doing what we were. We felt good about it and she ended up sleeping the rest of the night.
Christmas morning she woke up still feeling a little crummy but in all she was being a great sport. It was Sunday and so we were all getting ready to head to church when she complained that her back hurt. I asked her where and she pointed to both kidneys. At this point we became concerned that now she had a kidney infection. She had an up and down fever but nothing off the charts. Since it was Christmas we had very limited options besides taking her to the ER. That is so not where we wanted to spend the day. I called the Dr. I work for and he came right over to see how she was. He called the ER and was able to get us an antibiotic (since every pharmacy was closed) and also a cup for us to get a urine sample to make sure we were treating her correctly. That was so great to have that connection.
The terrible day didn't end there. We had to get that sample. Mayla knew that it hurt when she went potty and so the idea of needing to pee in a cup as well totally put her over the edge. We just kept waiting until she decided that she had to go potty. Todd had to hold her on his lap with me holding the cup under her over a bucket and we had to go through many tears and a complete break down before she finally went. That literally took us an hour to accomplish. I then took that to the hospital and it came back that she did have a UTI and the antibiotic was the one that we needed to take.
She did really good the rest of the day, but you could tell she did not feel good. That would be a great end to the story but it continues. On top of all this the next day she ended up with a mouth FULL of sores. Her tongue looked like pieces were just coming off in chunks and she said it was very sore. We then worried if it was a reaction to the antibiotic. We again called the doctor and a friend who is a dentist and didn't have a solid answer except that it wasn't an allergic reaction. Now she didn't want to eat or drink anything, which didn't help the UTI situation and the need to get fluids in her. Everything hurt her mouth so bad, we even tried ice cream and so we knew if she wasn't willing to eat that it must be painful. Even the antibiotic hurt her so bad that we literally had to hold her down screaming and squirt it down her throat. It was so dramatic every time we had to give her the medicine. We had to pep talk her 30 min prior and threaten to hold her down for her to take it. This carried on pretty much the entire time she had to take it.
Nothing was for sure confirmed but it is possible that she just had two different things going on. The mouth sores may have been something she caught from another kid, not saying this is the case but we did let her play in the play area at chick-fil-a 2 days prior. Lets just say that was her first and last time in one of those things.
So all in all it was a very long and hard Christmas day!!
We had Todd's mom, sister and brother-in-law up to our house for breakfast. The plan was to attend church all together but as you know that didn't quite happen. We really did have a nice start to the day. 

The only thing Mayla wanted for Christmas, well that she told us, us a my little pony princess Celestia. That is what Santa brought. Lets just say once the day arrived and she realized there would be more than one gift she just kept asking if she had any more to open, oh the disappointment if there had only been one.
This picture just sums it up. She has the look of "I don't really fell good...but it is Christmas so I will try to put on a happy face".
 Jax wasn't to sure what the hype was all about. He needed a little help to get started. he would loose interest quickly and so we had to be quick about the whole process.

 Mayla of course jumped at the chance to help Jax open his gifts.
 Todd surprised me with a wonderful Christmas. I loved it all, but my favorite was the ipad. Wow was I surprised!! Truly didn't see that coming.
 Todd opening the new darts for his dart board.
 Opening gifts at Grandma and Papa's house. We had to miss the breakfast with all the issues in the morning but finally made it there.

 Jax was more excited about the box, like most kids are. We had fun with all the cousins at Grandma Valerie's.

It was a fun day to spend with family, but lets just say I hope next year is much easier!!

1 comment:

The Airharts said...

Ahhh,poor girl! That is the worst! I know it's all over with now, but I bet the sores in her mouth were had
Foot mouth desease ... A few years ago we had an outbreak in our nursary at church and it sounds just like that! So
Glad your catching up :)!