Monday, May 19, 2014

December Tradidtions

Sparkle the elf made her way back to our home. She brought the kids a little gift with some breakfast from the North pole. Mayla was so excited to see her again. Jax wasn't sure what it all entailed but was excited just the same.

 We headed over to the Barr's for Gingerbread house decorating. Mayla had the help of Papa to complete her masterpiece. They had a great time together making it.
 And Jax on the other hand was in Heaven over the amounts of candy that were so nicely put in bowls just for him (as he thought) ohh the sugar overload he had was to the extreme.
Mayla has become so much more interested in helping me cook in the kitchen. She was my little sugar cookie cutter.
 For her dance class party they were supposed to bring a treat to share. We decided to make chocolate covered marshmallow reindeer. She helped me every step of the way. She was pretty proud of what we accomplished.

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